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Snow today in addition to cold, or tonic solar term

Publisher:   Release time:2021/6/19

& nbsp; Heavy snow is the 21st of the 24 solar terms and the third in winter. Like the solar terms of light snow, rain, grain rain and light full, heavy snow is a solar term that directly reflects precipitation. According to the collection of the seventy-two seasons of the lunar calendar, "heavy snow is the November Festival. If it is heavy, it will be full. So far, it will be full of snow." the explanation of "heavy snow" in the book is that the weather is colder, and the possibility of snow is greater than that of light snow, which does not mean that the amount of snow must be large< br /> & nbsp; Heavy snow is a good time for tonic. It is known as "tonic in winter and fighting tigers in spring". Tonic in winter can improve the immune function of the human body, promote metabolism and improve the fear of cold. Tonic is not only for meat, but also to increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, so as not to cause vitamin B deficiency and induce angular stomatitis. In addition, in winter, the indoor and outdoor air is dry and the air humidity is very low. You should drink more water. Generally, the daily water supplement should be more than 2000-3000 ml (that is, the often said "8 cups of water", one cup is about 300 ml) to ensure the normal metabolism of organs< br /> & nbsp; Tonic in winter can also regulate the material metabolism in the body, store the energy transformed by nutrients in the body to the greatest extent, and contribute to the rise of Yang Qi in the body. At this time, it is appropriate to warm and supplement Yang, tonify kidney and bones, nourish yin and replenish essence. Winter tonic should supply food rich in protein, vitamins and easy to digest. Before and after the heavy snow solar term, a large number of citrus fruits were listed, such as Nanfeng Mandarin, Guanxi grapefruit, navel orange and snow orange. Proper eating can prevent rhinitis, eliminate phlegm and cough< br />

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